Published 22 Nov 2023

The Hidden Reasons Behind New Hire Failures

Insights from a People Ops Expert

Hiring the right talent is crucial for the success of any organization. However, a staggering 46% of new hires fail within their first 18 months, pointing to a significant issue in the hiring process. As a seasoned head of people operations, I’ve observed firsthand the pitfalls that lead to these failures. In this blog post, I’ll share insights into the often-overlooked reasons behind bad hiring decisions and how to avoid them.

When our research tracked 20,000 new hires, 46% of them failed within 18 months.

Forbes Magazine

The Root of the Problem: Scoping the Job

The journey to a successful hire begins long before the first interview. In fact, most hiring failures occur because of inadequate job scoping. Properly defining the role is a critical step that is frequently mishandled or overlooked.


The Three Major Obstacles in Role Scoping

  1. Not Knowing How to Start: Often, managers are instructed to scope a role without proper guidance on how to begin. This lack of direction is the most significant barrier to effective job scoping.
  2. The Need for a Creative Partner: Scoping a job is a creative process that benefits greatly from collaboration. While HR business partners or recruiters can offer support, they often face bandwidth challenges, leaving managers without the necessary guidance.
  3. Time: Scoping a role thoroughly is time-consuming. Since the impact of this process is not immediately apparent, it’s challenging for managers to see the value in this upfront investment.

The Consequences of Poor Job Scoping

When a role isn’t scoped correctly, several issues arise…

  • Writing a bunch of tasks: This reduces the ownership mentality among potential hires, as the role is perceived as a list of tasks rather than a position of responsibility.
  • Cutting Corners (cut & paste from the internet): Hastily put-together job descriptions, often copied from the internet, fail to capture the essence of the role, leading to a mismatch in expectations.
  • Slow and Inefficient Interview Processes: Relying on the interview process to ‘sort out’ the role’s specifics is inefficient and often leads to poor hiring outcomes.

The Solution: A Structured Approach to Hiring

To combat these issues, organizations must adopt a structured approach to hiring…

  1. Invest Time in Job Scoping: Understand the role’s requirements and the type of candidate who would succeed in it.
  2. Educate Managers on Effective Scoping Techniques: Provide training and resources to help managers scope roles effectively.
  3. Encourage Collaboration in the Scoping Process: Utilize the expertise of HR professionals and recruiters to refine job descriptions.
  4. Avoid Over-Reliance on Task-Based Language: Focus on the broader scope of the role and the impact the right candidate can make.

PropulsionAI’s Innovative Solution: S.P.A.R.C.

Recognizing the challenges faced by hiring managers and HR teams, Propulsion has introduced S.P.A.R.C. (Smart Platform for Attracting Remarkable Candidates). This platform, along with our digital human, Athena, revolutionizes the hiring process. Athena takes over the heavy lifting, allowing HR teams to focus on other critical aspects of their roles. This not only streamlines the hiring process but also enhances the quality of candidates attracted.


The key to successful hiring lies in the preliminary stages of the hiring process. By recognizing the importance of thorough job scoping and equipping managers with the right tools and knowledge, organizations can significantly reduce the rate of new hire failures. Remember, a well-scoped role is the foundation of a successful hiring process and, ultimately, a thriving organization.

Want More?

  • “Hire for Attitude” – Dan Schawbel in Forbes (link).

Are you ready to see how a great job scope can lead you to: great job descriptions, a fast and highly effective hiring process, an understanding of how every role in your company fits within your strategy, and incredible candidates who are truly ready to “own” the challenges you put in front of them.

Try our groundbreaking solution today for FREE!

Co-founder and CEO
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